Scholarship . Leadership . Mentorship

Mentorship & Partnership to help you win

Welcome to Lighthouse Scholastic Foundation, where we believe in illuminating the path to success through mentorship rooted in Christian values.

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Medical Intern

Guiding Dreams, Illuminating Futures.

Empowering aspiring medical professionals with Christian-based mentorship to illuminate their path to success and make a lasting impact in healthcare.


We strive to illuminate the path to success for every individual

At Lighthouse Scholastic Foundation, we are driven by a vision to empower the next generation of medical professionals with the transformative power of mentorship rooted in Christian principles.

What We Do

Our programs at Lighthouse

At Lighthouse Scholastic Foundation, we provide comprehensive mentorship programs tailored to aspiring medical professionals. Our services include:

Christian-based Mentorship

Career and Life Guidance

Financial Support

Professional Development

Community Engagement

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

~ Kahlil Gibran


Lighthouse Purpose Scholarship

The Lighthouse Purpose Scholarship supports disadvantaged medical students pursuing their dreams. It’s awarded to incoming freshman medical students for the upcoming academic year who demonstrate financial need, perseverance despite challenges, and strong academic performance.

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Scholarship Fund


Candidates for the Lighthouse Purpose Medical Student Scholarship must be enrolled as freshman medical students at accredited institutions, and demonstrate financial need with a strong commitment to pursuing a medical career. All visa and citizenship categories are eligible.


We are always glad to receive your help

 Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference in shaping the future of healthcare. Join us in our mission to support and uplift the next generation of medical professionals.

Who we are!

We are a beacon of hope, dedicated to illuminating paths and transforming futures for aspiring medical students. Our mission is to empower individuals to pursue their dreams of a career in medicine, regardless of their background or circumstances. 

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© 2024 Lighthouse Scholastic Foundation